I like the way the author, J.R. Sedivy, starts off from the beginning by saying, “You have everything you need to succeed within you right now," at that very moment, that got my attention. This book gives you a full understanding of a spiritual transition you're on right now.
The process period in your life needs to have a working plan or formula for spiritual transformation. The main point of this book is to teach you how to create a lasting exchange from within by a unique process called - The Mercury Formula. This formula is demonstrated in the following three stages:
2. Deconstruction - Part 2
3. Reconstruction - Part 3
Guess what - you have all these ingredients in these formula already at work in your spirit. When you have an awakened conscious and walking in your spiritual journey this book is excellent to have in your life. To me, The Mercury Formula answers a great deal of questions about the spiritual realm or spiritual questions in general that I needed in my life. It showed me the answers that I needed weren't far away because the answers were already inside me. WOW! Get ready for a real inner transformation change from the inside out or the unseen part of you.
Now you might say, “how do I get The Mercury Formula working in my life”? What I'll say to you - read the book. I'm not here to sell a book, but to steer you in the right direction. Remember this is a spiritual thing, and you must see the nuggets you have in The Mercury Formula working in your life. Here are some nuggets that stuck out to me - but there's so much more:
1. Getting the introduction or basic understanding to what is
The Mercury Formula.
2. How Consciousness plays a good part in The Mercury
3. Alchemy - A powerful force in your life for transformation.
I want to say so much more, but then I'll spoil you with the nuggets God gave to me for The Mercury Formula to work throughout my lifespan. Reading this book gave me food for my soul, and it might do the same for you. Destiny Is Calling You - I like the way the author says it with my twist to it. "All life within it a specific destiny or function, it is meant to fulfill. This includes you. Yes, that's right, it includes you - you're somebody in this world. You possess greatness that is just waiting to be unlocked."
This book is good for all those who want to mean something in his or her life - a new direction. Sit back and relax and let your inner transformation of The Mercury Formula change your life today so you can change your future.
The negative part of this book - None.
My Leaving Thoughts:
NEED I Say More!