This book, all I can say is," whew" what a book! Do you like a book that is short, something that is quick to read, or have a mystery sort of feel to it? This is the book you're looking for with a touch of humor as well. Can I tell you something or like the young folks would say, "can I be 100 with you," I had to read this book twice. When I read it the first time it was a bit puzzling, but when I read it again, I got the meaning of the book. The question I’m leaving with you is, "WHO" would do such a thing like this to a nun?
Sister Justicia Marie or Sister Justicia (Sister J), she’s the main character from the book. She's not your typical nun who's sitting around doing nothing and praying your Hal Mary's over every situation. No, she’s doing her own detective work, because another Nun - Sister Grace, a close acquaintance of hers was beaten up and put in the hospital. This whole storyline is wrapped around that theory. Somebody was targeting the nuns, beating them up, and putting them in the hospital, but again the number one question is - WHO? The other characters in the book (past and present) are funny and stern, but nevertheless the question goes back to - WHO?
Sister J was a former actress (known by in Hollywood as Brooke Bailey), who was going down hill in Hollywood. After an incident in her life, she heard the call of God over her life, so she dedicated her life to God, and wanted to serve him as a nun.
These are the three negative points that I didn't like about this book: (1) The story started off too slow just to get a point across, (2) it didn’t explain a lot to you about the meaning throughout the book, as a result it left you guessing, and (3) you'll have to put your own words in the story so you can understand, what you just got finished reading. Like I said, at the beginning of this book, "whew!"
On the other hand, these are the three positive points that I did like about this book: (1) I wanted to know who was targeting these nuns and why, (2) I wanted to solve the case like I was in the person of Sister J, and (3) it started me on the path of reading more mystery book. This book was a short one, but it got me there.
I recommend this book to all those readers who want to start reading mystery-detective kind of books at microwave time.
NEED I Say More!
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