
Penny L. Hunt: Bounce, Don't Break: Bounce Back from Setbacks

Bounce, Don't Break: Bounce Back from Setbacks by [Hunt, Penny]

I’m simply going to dive into the deep to get you ready to hear the heart of the author, Penny Hunt. In this book, she pours out her spirit about her relationship with Jesus Christ from the start to this current day. Early in her life after accepting Jesus Christ, Ms. Hunt was being mentored by a Chaplain's wife, and she started going to the bible studies and conferences to build her trust in Jesus Christ and the Kingdom God. I love the illustrations she gives so you can feel the hurt and pain she endured throughout her family life, as well as; being hurt by the church.

She was married three different times that ended in failure and heartbreak in her life, that led to divorce.  The problem, she experienced was due to the stress in her life by her husband's adultery affairs, betrayal, and the untimely deaths of her two babies (miscarriages). There's so much more, but you have to read the book for yourself.

Reflecting back - Ms. Hunt knew God gave her the revelation for the title of this book, “Bounce - Don't Break," to help women and military wives around the world, not to give up on themselves or what God called them to be in the Kingdom of God. She overcame one thing after another as she matured in her spiritual life, as well as; her relationship with God. She recognized the power of God’s love, and healing could help women be whole in their spirit, soul and body. This is so they can be over comers and hit every issue of life that comes their way.

I believe this book will truly hit home to women in general, particularly to women in the Arm Forces, and military wives.

My Leaving Thoughts:
There was a two parts in the book that actually touched me:
The first one was - "I believe, with God’s help, you have what it takes to rise to the challenge. You can know better days are coming, and it won’t be long until they are here." And the second one says - "When you’re going through something unimaginably devastating it takes three T’s - Tears, Time, and Talking."

Bounce, Don't Break: Bounce Back from Setbacks by [Hunt, Penny]

NEED I Say More!

James Scott Bell: Romeo's Way (Mike Romeo Thrillers Book 2)

Get ready for a really good mystery thriller series! This book is the kickoff of the Mike Romeo mystery thriller series, and I can tell you, I am hooked. I read the book in one night and to let you know something; I couldn't put the book down. If this book was a movie, it would keep you on the edge of your seat. I like this book; Mike Romeo puts me in the mind of Humphrey Bogart, whose character was always with me serious and dark; but in this story, Mike tries to be serious but is funny at the same time.

The author, James Scott Bell sets the stage - in California, close to the San Francisco Bay area. The principal character is Mike Romeo - he was a former cage fighter just wanting to take life easy. Things change when Mike accepted an undercover security job from a California senator, during campaign time. Talk about not a dull moment, this book has a lot of action in it, like; solving an old murder case, a church being bombed, people getting shot and much more.

This story has many twists, ups and downs and hides emotional hurts like never before. All I can say to you are, “it’s a good story." Furthermore, it’s filled with humor, temper and excitement with each character used throughout the story. It’s a lot more I can say, but I don’t want to be a book spoiler. Like I stated earlier, “it’s a good story."

This is a must read book. I recommend this book to everyone who love mystery thriller books and the Word of God.

My Leaving Thoughts:
Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Do you want more?
Check the book out for yourself
and see what Romeo do...

NEED I Say More!

JAMES SCOTT BELL is a winner of the International Thriller Writers Award (for his novel Romeo's Way) and the author of many bestselling thrillers. He is a popular writing instructor and conference speaker, and formerly served as the fiction columnist for Writer's Digest magazine. Jim attended the University of California, Santa Barbara where he studied writing with Raymond Carver, and graduated with honors from the University of Southern California Law School. He lives and writes in L.A. and blogs weekly at Kill Zone -- www.killzoneblog.com

Dr. Thien H. Doan: The LIFE Path: A Christian’s Guide to Discovering God’s Purpose, Creating Your Legacy, and Living with Passion

All I can say is Whew, Yes, Praised the Lord! When you read this book, you could feel the anointing and healing power of God come through each page. The author Dr. Thien Doen, pours out his heart in the pages of this book.  He shares his life experiences - ministry, family, and some personal things you're about to read in this book. He lays down biblical and secular principles so that anyone who picks up this book can grow into a mature Christian. I can say this book gave me the answers that I've been waiting for years to hear so I can do what God has called me to do in ministry. I just love the straight forwardness and to the straight to point in his teaching style, I simply love it.

Let me say this - Dr. Thien, is not only an author, but he's a pastor also.   He's the founder of Citylight Church, California. He personally planted and pastors three local churches. He trains, mentors, and coach pastors to be more effective in ministry.

After reading this book you can to say yourself no more wandering or what I call rabbits trails - I took these words to heart when I read his promise at the beginning in the book.

"Here's my promise to you - I'm going to show you a system to help you stop drifting and find the path over the life you always wanted...The secret sauce is in the system".  There are so many nuggets in this book, but it showed me how to stay in the path that God designed and purpose for me.

The main purpose throughout this book is to give you an understanding to the teaching he called LIFE Path principles - all I can say is wow! One of the nuggets I took out of the LIFE Path teaching is, how to write my own eulogy. I would have never imagined in a million years to write my own eulogy.  All I can say now, get the book.

recommend this book to those in leadership, pastors, lay ministers, mentorship groups, and most of all my household.

My Leaving Thoughts:
"The principles in this book have the power to change your life"

 NEED I Say More!