There's a lot of nuggets in this book!
Dr. Munroe used a lot of illustrations to describe what is "God's Big Idea" is all about. He started with the Garden of Eden being God's Kingdom here on earth (visible) to being the replica of God's Kingdom in the Heaven realm (invisible). The King's (Christ Jesus) Garden Expansion Program is designed to draw people into His Kingdom from all over the world and to prepare them for Kingdom life and leadership in the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1) and He's doing this right now. He talks about kingdom citizens, kingdom influence, and kingdom culture and colony throughout the book to get you to understand and realize your true identity in the kingdom.
The part about the Holy Spirit, all I can say is WOW! I'm just going to give you a small taste - he said the Holy Spirit is your Master Gardener, the One who reveals to you the will and the ways of your King and teaches you how to have a kingdom lifestyle and how to manifest the Fruit of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit oversees the full operations of the garden life in you here on earth and He holds the keys for you have a successful garden maintenance program here on earth. He's the link between heaven and earth and in Him, we're connected in both worlds the supernatural and the natural realms.
There's so much I want to say, but I'll end up writing my own commentary on this book. I truly HIGHLY recommend this book to those who are searching and want to know more about the Kingdom of God.
If you want more, take the 40 Day Challenge To Discover "God's Big Idea" in your life.
Need I say more!