Have you ever thought Who or What could and can change your life-forever NOW! We totally would say with hands in the air high and raised up GOD. But, do we really mean it with a true conviction from in our hearts. This book Heaven Rules will turn you back to the first LOVE God Himself through the power of the Holy Spirit. As you read each chapter of the book, it will gear you up to take the 90-Day Bible challenge to draw close to the Father Heart yourself.
Reading the book, was setting me up for great expectations to happen. My mind was going in so many different directions. So when I started the 90-Day Challenge, I knew my life would never be the same. I expected these experiences to happen:
(1) Hearing, Father voice more clearer for myself
(2) Reading the Bible every 90 days means every season
(3) Talking to God with no hesitation (prayer)
(4) Receiving and Releasing the anointing of the Holy Spirit in ways like never before, etc.
Read it for yourself and see your relationship with God deepens, come alive like never before!